Published on August 13th, 2020
Most people are taught to vacuum their carpets and floors once a week. And that's great! A cleaning routine with vacuuming done weekly will keep those visible areas clean.
If you're a pet owner and you have a furry pet that sheds, there is more to vacuuming than that. You might be missing quite a few spots that need to kept clean to maintain a tidy and hygienic home.
Keeping a pet home clean is easy when you know what you're doing, but pet hair and dander do provide a little extra challenge for the meticulous pet owner who wants to keep heir home clean and fresh.
And it's not just about having a home that looks spotless; it's also about keeping that house of yours in good condition and taking care of your valuable property.
Here are 10 dirty spots you should be vacuuming regularly in a home with pets.
1. Blinds and curtains
Although your blinds and curtains may look clean, they tend to collect a lot of dust, dander, and pet hair that should be vacuumed off routinely. If not kept clean, all those nasty dirt particles may be wafted into the air when you pass by, causing respiratory problems and making those allergies act up.
Most vacuums come with attachments that are suitable for these surfaces. The dusting brush is ideal for blinds, while the upholstery tool works best for curtains. The key is to turn the vacuum to the lowest setting to prevent the suction from pulling too strongly.
If you have a home with high ceilings, and therefore you need to reach up to vacuum your drapes and blinds, a stick vacuum with a wand can make your job easier.
2. Mattresses
You probably change your sheets once a week – or at least you should. In pet homes, beds often collect a lot of pet hair, and if your pet sleeps with you, keeping your bed clean is an even more challenging task.
Drool, body oils, dander, sweat, and pet hair all penetrate the sheets making it essential to keep your bed hygienic by thoroughly cleaning your mattress. Otherwise, all that dirt will be wafted up to the air you breathe while you toss and turn in your sleep. Your bedroom's bad air quality may cause a stuffy nose, itching eyes, and affect the quality of your sleep negatively.
To keep that bed clean, use the upholstery tool of your vacuum cleaner to clean the surface of your mattress once a month. And don't forget the sides and crevices when vacuuming! Also, if you want to make sure your bed is safe and hygienic, you can use a bed vacuum that removes all nasties like dust mites.
3. Under the furniture
Vacuuming rarely is anyone's favorite past time which is why people often tend to give the vacuum a swift spin in the middle of the living room and then quickly stash it away. It's pretty common to find that that the living room carpet looks quite clean, but when you take a look under the furniture, it's a whole other story.
The movements of indoor air usually carry pet hair and other dirt into corners and under the furniture. You might be tempted just to leave it there – it's not out in the open, so who cares?
The problem is that when you leave the dirt in those hard to reach places, it quickly creeps back into the open. Although you're hoping it would, the problem doesn't vanish by itself. If you don't vacuum thoroughly under the furniture, you'll just decrease the air quality in your home and vacuum more often as the dust bunnies seem to appear from nowhere.
A pro tip: if you're too busy or just hate vacuuming under the furniture and appliances, a robotic vacuum can be the ideal vacuum.
4. The couch
Your couch (and other upholstered furniture) may look clean, but the truth is that dust, dander, and pet hair are embedded into the fabric. Slowly this will make your furniture look old and dirty – and they even get that pet smell.
To take care of your upholstered furniture, you should be vacuuming them once a week. The upholstery tool works great, but it's even better if you have a motorized brush roll, which really digs into the surface for a thorough cleanup.
Many handheld vacuums come with these powerful tools that are essential when trying to keep a pet home free of pet hair.
5. Baseboards
When vacuuming, you should also pay attention to the baseboards. The edges and tops of baseboards easily collect dust, dander, and pet hair, which needs to be vacuumed once a month with a crevice tool or a narrow dusting brush.
If the dirt is left to sit on near the edge of the wall or on top of the baseboard, it builds up and forms a layer of greyish gunk. This makes your home appear dirtier and older than it actually is.
6. Dryer
If you're a pet owner and your pet sheds, you're probably aware of how easily your clothes will attract pet hair. When you throw your clothes into the dryer, pet hair and dust can quickly build up in the lint screen and trap, causing a fire hazard.
To keep your family safe, you should make sure your dryer is regularly cleaned and maintained. The easiest way to clear out any pet hair and fluff is to use your vacuum cleaner.
7. Intake vents
Your intake vents bring in fresh air from outside, which is why you might think they don't need to be cleaned. But you know how pet hair is.
It gets absolutely everywhere.
It's essential to clean these vents at least once a year. It will improve the air quality in your house and keep the air moving as it should. And, of course, your vacuum cleaner is the perfect tool for this job.
8. Tops of doors and windows
The tops of your door and windows are often areas that are never cleaned.
Yet, especially dust and dander can collect above the frame and get wafted into the air. When vacuuming your baseboards, you should also reach a bit higher and take care of all door and window frames.
It only takes a few extra minutes, but your house will be tidier, and you will have cleaner air to breathe.
9. Refridgerator
Your fridge is another fire hazard in your home. Dust and pet hair easily collect to the back of your fridge, blocking the airflow. Your fridge may use more electricity, and a thick build-up of dust, hair, and dirt may even cause the appliance to overheat.
Although it may seem like a burdensome task to vacuum the back of your refrigerator and freezer, it is important to do so to make sure your home is safe.
10. Your vacuum
Lastly, you need to vacuum your vacuum. Yep, you heard me right.
The filtration system in your vacuum needs to be cleaned periodically to prevent the dirt from blocking the airflow and suction. If you have never vacuumed or cleaned the filter and other parts of the filtration system, you may be amazed to see an increase in the maximum suction after a thorough cleanup.
Other parts of your vacuum that should be vacuumed are the attachments. Especially the brush rolls tool and dusting brushes collect a lot of dust and hair, which can be easily removed by simply using the vacuum itself.
Summing up
Even if you have furry pets, it is possible to keep your home spotless. It even doesn't require that much more effort if you know which areas need to be cleaned, and you have the right tools to make the job easy for you.
These 10 areas we talked about require special attention but are often overlooked. Now that you know why these areas need to be cleaned and how to do it, just grab your vacuum and get going!